Chaitanya Lingam

Chaitanya Lingam

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

TRIBUTE IN MEMORY OF LATE CHAITANYA LINGAM -Father, Mother, Sister, Friends and All Relatives.

Destiny has abruptly taken away our most beloved Chaitanya Lingam from the midst of us through a very tragic accident. Chaitanya although you are not physically present with us, you were, you are and you will ever remain in our minds as the most considerate and loving person, we had ever met. We never considered you as a seperate entity. You are in our minds, thoughts, hearts, eyes and infact you are part our system itself and nothing can take you away from there. The name given to the relation between you and us is Father/Mother/Sister/Friends/Grand Father/And so many names. But to put it simply you are more to us than any thing else in this world. If anyone asks us whether you will remember Chaitu, we will say NO because remembering comes when you forget a person. When we can never forget Chaitanya where is the question of remembering. At this hour of grief, we are unable to put our thoughts into words. The only thing we intend to say is We Love You Chaitu. We always love you. You will ever remain with us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss u chaitu...even as we al sit time after time, the time spent with u keeps coming up in our memories...thats the power u had...if ever there's someone up there then he shud never have talen u away from us...

3:27 PM  

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